Small Group Guide
Deepen faith and foster community through storytelling and spiritual practices.
An excellent resource for people of any faith to explore deepening their spiritual practices.
Wisdom From The Woods is filled with examples of how both authors deepened their own faith through pausing, reflecting, journaling, and sharing their journeys with each other.
Through the four themes and sessions (noted below), you and your group will build community and learn from one another through both large group and small group conversation.
The Leader Guide features detailed outlines of each session, including samples of pre-session assignment letters, agendas, and other reference materials. Add or substitute your favorite scriptures, books, and materials as you’d like. Have fun making it your own.

– Connect to stories, healing, and faith –
Session 1: Naming, Acknowledging, and Honoring Challenges in Our Lives
The purpose of this session is to begin to build a learning community by meeting one another, listening to the challenges and/or changes class members are experiencing, and learn what each participant is hoping to receive from attending the four sessions.
Session 2: Finding Time and Your Own Woods
The purpose of this session is to begin to recall and explore what makes a space sacred for you: to name places that make you feel renewed, closer to things that are dear to you, closer to feeling God’s presence, and healing for you. Participants will also explore the idea of “silence” and how important observing silence is to experience God’s listening and hear Spirit speaking.
Session 3: Spiritual Practices to Help Us in Our Challenges
The purpose of this session is to recall and explore which spiritual practices that you connect with the most and help you when facing challenges or help you stay centered throughout the busyness of life. Participants will be encouraged to explore new spiritual practices or think about creating new practices to help you in your journey.
Session 4: Creating Your Own Path of Healing & Hope
The purpose of our last session together is to begin creating your own personal roadmap for deepening your spiritual journey and to consider finding a learning partner. Learning partners create support, mirror strengths, and encourage along the way.
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